DC Bill #318 to Legalize Sex buying and selling

On 10/17 there is a hearing before DC City Council on a bill that fully decriminalizes buying sex and stash houses, which often involve significant amounts of coercive exploitation. The […]

Demi Moore’s Mother and Familial Trafficking of Minors

When survivors come forward, it is difficult and sensitive, and the way media covers, and we talk about, Demi Moore’s experience is important.
It’s hard enough to identify and grapple with human trafficking as it is, but even moreso when a parent, who is responsible for helping shape a child’s worldview and norms, is their trafficker.

Tuscan Wine Tasting Dinner and anti-trafficking Fundraiser

Join us for an evening under Steiner Ranch Pavilion (Austin, TX) overlooking the 18th hole and the beautiful grounds. Meet anti-human trafficking crusaders fighting to stop human trafficking in Texas and beyond! And last but not least, enjoy an Italian wine dinner that will be one to remember!

Collective Liberty earns TOP FINALIST Status at MassChallenge

Collective Liberty earns Top Finalist status at Mass Challenge Texas. Of the 74 other businesses selected for the accelerator, we will join the final 14 (top 19% of the cohort that was narrowed down from over 700).

Collective Liberty CEO “Cyber Investigations Contributor of the Year” Winner!

Our CEO Rochelle Keyhan was honored with the International Association of Financial Crimes’ annual “Cyber Crime Investigations Contributor of the Year” award at this year’s conference.

Aurora, CO bases massage parlor ordinance off of our team’s report

Our work and direct guidance through Collective Liberty this year has helped with the proposal of 7 different laws this year like this one in Aurora, CO.

DC and Brooklyn: Reject Fully Decriminalizing Sex Trade

A large part of our work with partners in Europe has been learning the ins and outs of the different partial decriminalization models that exist. Overwhelming our European partners agree […]

CEO Rochelle Keyhan Finalist for NGEN Leadership Award from Independent Sector

indepenent sector above Rochelle Keyhan's video entry for the 2019 NGEN award.

Following a nomination process that began in May, and a rigorous review of more than 100 nominations from emerging changemakers by IS staff and our Selection Advisory Group, we are proud […]

National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights

The proposed Domestic Workers Bill of RIghts could codify workplace protections and standards that women of color in the industry have spent years organizing around; with the potential to impact 2.5 million domestic workers, including nannies, house cleaners, and home care workers.